Friday, March 5, 2010

New York's Pro Gun Candidate

Currently among the two major parties the selection of pro liberty candidates is pretty slim. Both Andrew Cuomo and Rick Lazio are well known gun grabbers and at this time I can't find any information on potential Democrat candidate Steve Levy in regards to gun rights. Other candidates with unknown gun rights positions include Kristen Davis who is seeking the Libertarian nomination and Carl Paladino a potential Independent candidate being drafted by a Buffalo based Tea Party group.

Don't fret fellow New Yorkers there is one candidate so far that is committed to the right to bear arms and his name is Warren Redlich. David Codrea a gun rights writer for has put out a simple questionnaire for gun owners to ask politicians who want their support. Redlich was kind enough to provide answers to the questionnaire and it shows that Redlich is committed to the Second Amendment for all New York citizens.

Answers to the questionnaire are here

Warren Redlich's Answers

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