Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Libertarians who don't like Ron Paul?

I stumbled onto this weird piece and for the life of me can't really find any reason to agree with the author. There are some reasons in which I personally sympathize (but don't agree fully) with fellow libertarians on why electoral politics doesn't work which Dr. Paul attempted to bring about change. That I get as someone who doesn't vote. However even with small disagreements in the tactics to bring about liberty I really see no reason not to support Ron Paul.

However it seems that this author is just repeating all the same talking points neocons are using against Paul. No where has Ron made any excuses for Vladimir Putin. Putin is as much of an authoritarian as any of the other despots in the world, no libertarian denies that fact. To say that Paul's arguments in regards to Russia and Ukraine are nothing but "blaming America" are lazy which you would expect from a neocon or a "humanitarian" liberal not from someone who claims to believe in libertarianism. Perhaps this author comes from the Eric Dondero brand of "libertarian" in which they support foreign intervention and that the US is supposed to be a global police force, we may never know but it wouldn't surprise me.

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